As of a few weeks ago, we have officially planted roots back in Aaron’s home state of Maine and couldn’t be more excited! Last year we set the goal of stepping into homeownership and purchasing a home in 2020 but with non-stop traveling last year and with 2020 starting off with so much uncertainty, we just didn’t know if it was in the cards for us. I hoped for it but didn’t want to force something that wasn’t meant to be.
These past few years of camping, crashing on loved ones couches or renting when we were in Maine for the summer started to weigh on us. We both value our home space dearly & the corners of my mouth turn up at the idea of having a place to call HOME after all these years.
Well, it turns out that buying a house was meant to be.
We will still be keeping our spot in Hawai’i and are going to do everything in our power to sustain this bi-coastal life we love so much. There is something beautiful about yearning for a place and seeing it with fresh eyes after months spent away! I can’t imagine not living in both places. They are engrained as part of me now.
We purchased the home from family and I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to restore this nearly 200 year old property into something incredible. It’s certainly a fixer upper with many, many projects on the horizon – can’t wait to share the process of homeownership and renovation with you!
We’re excited for this new chapter! During these months of isolation, this has been something special to funnel much of our energy into. Dreaming, scheming, planning, creating. Completion still feels far away … but the light at the end of the tunnel seems much closer & I can’t wait to see the magic unfold & bring you along for the journey!
If you haven’t seen it before, here is our kitchen renovation in Hawai’i and check out more of my home inspiration on Pinterest.
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