Another year older, Another year wiser
Isn’t that how the saying goes?
What about a decade? Are we ten times the wiser?
We may never know. But I think there is something to be said about a decade–all the moments we collect, the mistakes we make, the knowledge we gain. I can’t help but think that we are definitely wiser in the next decade compared to the preceding. There has been a lot of talk about decades, and time passing, and how quickly life flies by in our home lately. The reason being that Aaron turns 30 today!
It may be just another day in the year but it can also signify turning a new leaf, starting a new chapter, and allowing the possibility of a new decade to soak in. I am so excited for him.
Although I haven’t known Aaron through every year of his twenties, I have know him for half of them. It’s been such an awesome journey to grow and change along side him. He has grown so immensely as a person, a partner, a business man.
I can’t believe that five years have flown by. In one way, I feel like I’ve known you all my life. In another, I feel as if you just barely graced my life with your presence. I guess those are the two best feelings to have though–so I’ll take it.
I am so lucky and proud to have him as my person. If I ramble on any more, I know my man of few(er) words would tell me less is more & that I don’t have to say anything for him to understand how I feel.
So here I leave it. Happy thirtieth birthday to you, my handsome. Thank you for the the greatest love I could ask for. I hope I get to cheers to you, celebrate you and marvel at you at every new decade!
Photos by the wonderfully talented, Shannon Elizabeth Photography
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